Managed Services - Remote Maintenance That Works

Affordable, Effective and On Your Schedule

computer support doing remote computer maintenance

Our after-hours remote computer maintenance plans are totally flexible and customized to your business. They can be done monthly, semi-monthly, or only as needed. Best of all, our managed services can cost less than just one major service call. Regular maintenance as part of your overall IT Services has proven very effective in making your technology more stable, and it can greatly reduce the need for service calls. Managed Maintenance services are a relatively inexpensive investment in maintaining your technology in proper working order, and an essential tool for helping your business run more reliably. You focus more on your business and less on your IT.

We Have the Vital Areas of Your Business Covered

  • Comprehensive managed services on every workstation.

  • Installation of Windows updates and patches to current levels.

  • Monitoring and correction of any system resource issues, such as memory usage and hard drive space.

  • Anti-Virus software monitoring, updating and response to threats as required.

  • Security monitoring, including file sharing, firewalls and Internet browsers.

  • Maintenance updates to installed software to maintain the most current versions.

  • Monitoring of installed software and removal of harmful or unwanted software.

  • Server and workstation Operating System adjustments as required for optimal operation.

  • Maintenance of backup software and scheduled backups (where applicable).

  • System log monitoring to determine correct system operation and early signs of developing hardware problems or potential failures.

  • Elimination of performance-robbing clutter, Adware, malware and other accumulated “junk”.

  • Registry, hard drive and Internet browser clean up to maintain system performance and stability.

  • Monitoring the network infrastructure looking for problems or performance issues and adjusting settings as required.